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Professor Sir Simon Wessely, Chair of the MHA Review |
The Mental Health Act Review, chaired by Professor Sir
Simon Wessely, was finally published on 6th December 2018.
I naturally have a particular interest in the Mental
Health Act 1983, because I have been working within the Act as an ASW and AMHP
since 1983, as it happens.
It is immediately apparent that the Review is not
proposing a new Mental Health Act; instead, it is proposing significant changes
to the existing Act, as well as to Mental Capacity legislation, just as the MHA
2007 did. So, if the changes are enacted, we will still be referring to the MHA
1983 (as amended).
I don’t intend to criticise the Review per se, as it says
a lot of good things, and is clearly and explicitly placing human rights at the
forefront of decision making within the Act. It flags up a number of factors
that are adversely affecting the effectiveness of the MHA.
But I have some misgivings, which I will go into in more
detail later.
There isn't the space here to critique all
the recommendations in the Review, as there are 154 in total, but I will
concentrate on the proposed changes which are likely to have the most impact on
AMHP practice.
[Aside: Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) are
used to their official title being misunderstood. They are often referred to as
Approved Mental Health Practitioners, and the abbreviation is often given as
AMPH. I am afraid that even the MHA Review has got the title wrong in one
place. In one of the headings we are referred to as Approved Mental Health Act
Professionals. Sigh.]
The Four Principles
The Review begins by recommending that four principles
should underlie all aspects of practice within the MHA, and that these should
be inserted into the Act right at the beginning.
The existing Code of Practice already has guiding
principles, which should be considered when acting with the Act. These are:
Least restrictive option and maximising independence
Empowerment and involvement
Respect and dignity
Purpose and effectiveness
Efficiency and equity
The Review, however, is proposing replacing these with 4 new statutory principles:
Choice and autonomy – ensuring service users’ views and
choices are respected
Least restriction – ensuring the Act’s powers are used in
the least restrictive way
Therapeutic Benefit – ensuring patients are supported to
get better, so they can be discharged from the Act
The Person as an Individual – ensuring patients are
viewed and treated as rounded individuals
Rather than as at present, where the principles are in
the Code, and therefore do not have the same statutory force, the Review is recommending
that they should be embedded into the Act, even suggesting the wording for the
beginning of the Act, for example, replacing the current Section 1 with a new
1. The purpose of this Act is to confer and authorise the
powers (including coercive powers) necessary for the treatment of mental
disorder and to safeguard the dignity and rights of those who are made subject
to the exercise of such powers and for related purposes.
A new Section 2 would then include a statement of these 4 principles, and how they should be followed.
From these principles there flows a range of new or
radically refocused proposals. These include addressing the disproportionate use
of the MHA with black and ethnic minority patients.
Here are some of the proposed changes to the legislation.
Abolition of the Nearest Relative
As expected, the Review is proposing the abolition of the
“Nearest Relative”, replacing it with a Nominated Person, similar to the
Scottish Mental Health legislation.
Our recommendations will allow the patient to
choose their own Nominated Person (NP) either prior to detention, at the point
of assessment for detention or whilst detained through a new nomination process.
Where a patient has not appointed a NP prior to
detention, an AMHP would be able to appoint an Interim Nominated Person (INP),
which would involve identifying a friend or relative who was most suitable to
fulfill the role. This may involve the use of the existing hierarchy for
identifying the Nearest Relative, but as soon as the patient has the capacity
to do so, they would be able to choose their own NP.
The powers and rights of the NP would also be extended,
to include the right to be consulted over renewal of detention, extension of a
CTO and transfer from one hospital to another. They would also have the right
to be consulted on care plans.
The concept of the Nearest Relative, and the importance
in law for AMHPs to identify the correct Nearest Relative, is an issue that
produces endless head scratching and discussions within AMHP circles. In our
local AMHP hub, a day will rarely go by without a debate on how to identify a
particular patient’s Nearest Relative. I have written about this in my blog,
and have taught the intricacies of this at length on AMHP training courses. So anything
that simplifies this process will by much welcomed.
Informal admission (S.131)
S.131 of the MHA has always been clear that informal admission should be the default for the care and treatment of inpatients. But this is frequently not the case. I have even come across gatekeepers of beds, both in the NHS and in private hospitals, informing me that they will only accept detained patients.
The Review recommends a higher stress on the primacy of
informal admission over compulsory detention, to the extent of recommending
that “section 131 of the MHA is moved so that it sits above sections 2 and 3 of
the Act."
Changes to criteria for detention
The Review proposes that there should be new criteria for significant harm, with the intention of raising the bar for detention:
We believe the Act needs to be more explicit about how
serious the harm has to be to justify detention and/or treatment, or how likely
it is that the harm will occur. We are recommending that there must be a
substantial likelihood of significant harm to the health, safety or welfare of
the person, or the safety of any other person.
The Review observes:
The AMHP must clearly state on the application form what
specific harm they have identified, and how detention will reduce this,
including why alternatives are not available or suitable.
This is at least partly in response to the Review’s concerns about risk aversion among mental health professionals. In trying to identify the factors that have led to a marked rise in the use of detention under the MHA in recent years, the Review cites the culture of risk aversion, arising from fear of the consequences to the patient and others of errors in judgment. Wessely makes the point that, while risk used to focus on risk to the patient, there has been a shift to trying to protect the agency or professional from risk.
I would make the anecdotal observation that some mental
health trusts are not encouraging clinical staff to take risks, through
reluctance to pay staff at a high enough rate. Some Trusts have reduced the
numbers of Band 7 nurses as a cost saving exercise; a consequence has been that
less well paid and less experienced staff will be more likely to request an
assessment under the MHA for a patient who is not wholly cooperating with their
treatment plan, often relying on historic or purely hypothetical risk factors
to justify this.
Length of detention and other time scales
The Review is keen to reduce the length of time that a
patient can be detained in hospital wherever possible.
S.2 should be reviewed after 14 days, and a decision should
then be made to either discharge or detain under S.3: “section 2 should only be
used where it is truly necessary to assess someone."
The Review explains:
Where the AMHP is aware that a person has been subject to detention under section 3 within the last twelve months, an application for detention under section 2 can only be made where there has been a material change in the person’s circumstances since they were previously detained under a section 3. We are also recommending that the Code of Practice makes it clear that section 3, rather than section 2 should be used when a person has already been subject to section 2 within the last twelve months.
The Review is also recommending a reduction in the initial maximum detention period under S.3 to 3 months from the present 6 months. There would be a further extension period of 3 months, and only after that could a person be detained for 6 months.
I actually suggested this in my blog over 2 years ago. In
the MHA 1959, the time scale for S.26, the predecessor of S.3, was 1 year, then
1 year, then 2 years. The MHA 1983 cut this in half. In view of changes to
average detention times since 1983, it seems eminently reasonable to cut this
in half yet again.
The Review is also suggesting that there should be a
statutory time limit for finding a bed once a decision has been made to detain
under the MHA. This is addressing the current dire problems in finding beds in
an emergency. I have known it to take up to 4 weeks to find a bed for a patient.
This problem also leads to a reluctance to go out and assess someone without
there being a bed identified first.
The Review also proposes that there should be a minimum
waiting time standard for the commencement of a MHA assessment.
The Review recommends that the current criteria for treatment should be tightened up so that “not only must appropriate treatment be available that cannot be delivered unless the person is detained, but also that the treatment would benefit the patient.”
It is also recommending greater protection for people
objecting to treatments such as ECT.
Community Treatment Orders
The Review had severe misgivings about CTO’s, especially
in view of the dubious research evidence for their efficacy. The Review stated
that “CTOs are in the “Last Chance
While not actually recommending that CTO’s should be
abolished, there was a desire to seriously reduce their use.
One of the proposals is that two Approved Clinicians and
an AMHP should makes decisions about placing a patient on a CTO. Additionally,
an AMHP should interview the patient and consult with the NR/NP and CMHT. A CTO
should end after 24 months unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Statutory Care and Treatment Plans
Following admission, a Statutory Care and Treatment Plan (CTP) should be in place within 7 days of admission, and should be reviewed within 14 days. This would also identify whether a patient detained under S.2 should be continued to be detained, or discharged from detention, facilitating an early challenge to compulsory treatment.
Advance Choices Documents
These are similar to Advance Directives under the Mental Capacity Act, in which a patient can express their views about future care and treatment. The Review states:
Where a person is recorded as having capacity at that
time the choice is made, the presumption will be that it will be honoured
unless there are compelling reasons why not. So in future a request for a
treatment that might be less than optimal, but still possible, should be
In order to strengthen the authority of the ACD, the Review states:
Where a patient has capacity for advance decisions,
ACDs should be authenticated where possible by a health professional, unless
the patient objects to this. In other words, we think that a health
professional should confirm that the patient has capacity to make the choices
contained in the document. We make this recommendation to remove the potential
for doubt later as to whether the person had capacity to make the choices
contained in the documents.
This should make it less likely that a case such as Kerrie Wooltorton, who was allowed to die from ingestion of antifreeze because she had written a “living will” refusing treatment, could recur. Further information about this notorious case can be found on my blog.
The right to an Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) would be extended to informal patients. Additionally:
We think that IMHAs should be able to challenge
treatment decisions, and make applications for discharge, on behalf of the
patient where the patient lacks capacity to do so.
Children and young people
One of the proposals relating to children and young people is that young people between the ages of 16 and 17 should not be admitted to hospital or treated purely on the basis of parental consent.
While I welcome this stance, I think that this occurrence
is in any case fairly rare for this age group. My own view is that any child over the age
of 13 is better served by using the MHA if appropriate, rather than relying on children’s legislation
and parental rights.
Learning disabilities and autism
In view of the fact that the current Code of Practice tends to take a dim view of the use of hospital admission for people with learning disabilities and autism, and it was also intended that the MHA should only ever rarely be used for this group, I did wonder whether the Review would remove them entirely from the scope of the Act.
What the Review does do is affirm the general inappropriateness
of the MHA for these people:
We are recommending changes to the detention criteria to
establish a culture which is less risk adverse because it too easy for the
behaviour of a person with a learning disability, autism or both to meet the
current threshold of risk. When detention is being considered, professionals
will need to focus on more than just a person’s presenting behaviour that is
perceived to be challenging. There will need to be a ‘substantial risk’ of
‘significant harm’.
The Police and the MHA
The Review recommends that police cells should never be used as a place of safety, suggesting a cut off point of 2023/24. In fact, this is only an affirmation of the current policy of only using designated health based places of safety for detention under S.136.
A welcome suggestion is that S.136 should be amended so
that a police officer can make the decision to end a detention, rather than an
AMHP and a doctor. This would arise where it was clear that a full assessment
under the MHA was not justified.
Section 140
S.140 states that those responsible for providing hospital beds should fulfill this duty.
The Review suggests:
The operation of this responsibility needs to be discharged more consistently and more effectively, in particular to address the fact that people who are arrested under the criminal law are staying in police cells for too long, often unlawfully, after it has been established that they need to be admitted to hospital following a Mental Health Act assessment.
Ambulance services
The Review has some interesting things to say about the provision of ambulances for the conveyance of mental health patients. The bane of AMHPs’ lives (or at least one of them) is delays in ambulances attending to convey a detained patient.The Review sates:
Ambulance services should
establish formal standards for responses to section 136 conveyances and all
other mental health crisis calls and ambulance commissioners and ambulance
trusts should improve the ambulance fleet, including commissioning bespoke
mental health vehicles.
I have only concentrated on some of the highlights of the Review, which is after all, over 300 pages long.
Were all the recommendations to be taken on board by
Parliament, I do think we would have a much more robust and rights based
legislation for people with mental health problems.
But I see a lot of problems.
But I see a lot of problems.
Some of the recommendations fall short of changes to
legislation, recommending instead government policy changes, or changes to the
wording of the Code of Practice. Sometimes it is difficult to detect the difference between suggesting what might be better, and proposing actual changes to the Act.
Many, if not most, of the necessary changes would require
a huge additional investment in mental health services, which may not be forthcoming
(in fact, until now, the reverse has been the case). Had adequate funding remained in place since 2007, there may not even have been a need to review the MHA.
It was first proposed that the MHA 1983 should be reformed
as long ago as the late 1990’s. Several draft Mental Health Bills were
published before the MHA 2007 (amending the 1983 Act) eventually came into law
nearly 10 years later. Even if Parliament had the will, I would not expect to
see any of these changes happening within the next 2-3 years.
The recent review of the Mental Capacity Act has led to a
new Mental Capacity Bill which was markedly different from the Law Commission’s
detailed proposals.
A Government press release in response to publication of
the MHA Review, while stating that it is committed to reforming the MHA, appears
to go on to say that is only accepting 2 of the recommendations, these
apparently being:
Those detained under the Act will be
allowed to nominate a person of their choice to be involved in decisions about
their care. Currently, they have no say on which relative is contacted. This
can lead to distant or unknown relatives being called upon to make important
decisions about their care when they are at their most vulnerable.
People will also be able to express their preferences for care
and treatment and have these listed in statutory ‘advance choice’ documents.
So I’ll not be holding my breath.
Hello.:) What are your views on the final reports recommendations for Part III/CJ of the MHA?
ReplyDeleteWhile as an AMHP I don't get much involved with Part III patients, what the Review is proposing is eminently sensible. Particularly like giving Magistrates Courts more powers to deal with Mentally Disordered Offenders, and ensuring what MDO's are transferred in a timely manner from prison to hospital. We occasionally get requests from our local prison asking for a MHA assessment on a prisoner on the day of their release. If they were mentally ill before release, what wasn't this being addressed under the MHA before then?