Monday 26 April 2021

My First Caseload in 1976: Margaret & her 40 cats


Social work has changed a lot since I started in 1976, in many ways for the better, in some ways for the worse.

Back in 1976 the local social services office would receive a request for assistance, the case would be allocated to a social worker – and, er, that was about it. Unless there were very clear identified needs, for example a need for residential care, for aids to daily living, or a child subject to some form of abuse, the social worker would just tend to, sort of, bumble along, visiting the client, developing a relationship, maybe sometimes doing something practical, like helping them claim benefits.

Most clients did not have any sort of formal care plan. Occasionally, in supervision, your team leader would ask you what you were doing with a particular person. Then you had to think hard and say something that sounded worthy and useful.

My first caseload was very mixed. I had a few children and family cases, some elderly people, some people with physical disabilities, a few people with learning difficulties or mental health problems, and one or two who defied categorisation.

Margaret was one of the latter. She was in her early sixties, and lived alone in a local authority house in a small village a few miles outside town.

I was never clear about how she ended up a client of the social services department. It may have been a referral from the local housing authority, who was certainly concerned about her ability to manage her tenancy. It may have been because of complaints from neighbours.

It’s possible she may have had mild learning difficulties, although she had no formal diagnosis. She had lived all her life in that house, taking over the tenancy when her parents had died over twenty years previously, and perhaps they had been her carers. She certainly had no obvious mental illness. But she was deemed to be a vulnerable person, and hence worthy of having a social worker, even if that social worker was unqualified and completely inexperienced.

Or maybe it was because she was a witch.

She certainly looked like a witch. She had uneven and discoloured teeth, a long nose with a wart on the end, and matted hair. It was thought that the last time her hair had been washed was 20 years ago, when she had had to go into hospital when she’d had a fall. I could believe it; her hair had become felted. She had probably also not had a bath for twenty years, and her face and hands were black with dirt.

And she had cats. I never knew how quite many cats she had, and I don’t think she knew either, but there must have been as many as 40. They lived in the house, never leaving it, and freely interbreeding. She seemed to have no arrangements for their toileting, with the result that they defecated anywhere and everywhere.

Let me describe the experience of visiting her house.

I always went in through the back door, which was never locked. The hallway was comparatively free of cat faeces, as she tended to keep them in the living room and kitchen area. But she made up for this omission by having piles of newspapers at least 4 feet high lining both walls of the hall. As she lived and slept in the living room, she never went upstairs. I have no idea what the bedrooms were like, as it was impossible to go up the stairs because each step was piled high with old newspapers.

I was told that a previous social worker had attempted to clear the house of newspapers by diligently putting them into an outhouse, but Margaret had then brought them all back in because she was afraid they’d get damp outside.

Festoons of ancient cobwebs hung from the ceiling, some hanging so low you risked getting them in your hair unless you ducked.

Having negotiated the hallway, you finally entered the living room. Winter or summer, Margaret never opened the windows, so the temperature in there could get quite high during the summer months. But not as high as the stench.

It was impossible to tell what the original floor covering in the living room was, as it was completely covered with cat faeces to an unknown depth. My shoes tended to stick to the floor as I walked through. There was an audible noise as I picked my feet up step by cautious step.

The smell was almost unbearable. In those days I smoked a pipe, and used to smoke furiously throughout my visits in a futile effort to mask the ghastly smell.

Margaret would be sitting at the head of a table covered with old papers and cats. Her matted and filthy hair was partly covered with an equally filthy headscarf. She generally ate white bread straight from a bag during my visits, tearing it into smaller pieces with her black hands before putting it into her mouth. Sometimes she would offer me a biscuit. I always declined.

During the summer months she would be surrounded by a halo of flies.

I never sat down in her house. This was partly because any seats were always covered with cats, but mainly because they were so filthy that I would have needed a change of clothes afterwards.

So what social work tasks was I undertaking with Margaret?

Did I try to improve her living conditions? Not really. Her file catalogued the efforts previous social workers had made, all of which were futile. Margaret did not want to change.

Did I support her within her community? I guess so; people seemed reassured that a social worker was visiting her. But if they hoped that it would effect any perceptible change, they were sadly disappointed

Issues of capacity were barely talked about back then. Apart from her appalling living conditions, I never had any feeling that Margaret was not mentally able to make decisions about her lifestyle. Nowadays I could make an explicit assessment of her capacity, and would probably conclude that she had the right to make unwise decisions, but there was no legislation that covered Margaret’s situation in the 1970’s.

She appreciated my visits, and liked to talk to me, so I suppose I fulfilled some welfare purpose. Again, nowadays that befriending role could either be provided by a voluntary organisation or supplied via a personal budget under the Care Act. But back then, the main resource was social workers.

One thing I learned from Margaret was not to be phased by extreme housing conditions. In later years, when people complained of patients living in squalor, I set Margaret as the benchmark. That was squalor.

During the two years Margaret was on my caseload, I achieved one traditional social work task; I arranged for a neighbour to be paid as a home help in order to do her shopping once a week. So I suppose I did do something to improve her life.

Monday 19 April 2021

How to Become an AMHP 2: The Interview


This video focuses on preparing for the interview for an AMHP course.

AMHP courses are almost invariably only open to employees of local authorities or mental health trusts. Even before having an interview, a candidate has to fulfil certain requirements.

As an example, the local authority who approved me stipulates that, as well as having at least 2 years’ post qualification experience, your line manager has to be prepared to allow you to undertake the training, with the commitment of time that that involves. All courses require a period of full time training, which will take you away from your day job for several months.

There is an expectation that you should have a sound knowledge of Care Act legislation, as well as safeguarding and mental capacity issues. Although it is not essential for a prospective AMHP trainee to have experience of working in a mental health setting, there is an expectation that they should shadow experienced AMHP colleagues while undertaking formal assessments under the MHA.

The putative AMHP then needs to make a formal application, and has to provide a written record of their continuing professional development (CPD) over the last 2 years, especially linked to mental health, with a reflective commentary, as well as providing a reflective analysis of their experience of shadowing a MHA assessment.

Social workers from any field are eligible to train as AMHPs. Clearly, working in a mental health team is relevant, but social workers working with older people and people with learning disabilities will also be in a position of working with people with mental disorder.

Although few children’s services social workers train as AMHPs, or are allowed to train by their line managers, these social workers are always welcome, as the Code of Practice advises that AMHPs with experience of working with children and families are ideally required when undertaking MHA assessments of young people under the age of 18.

Having overcome these initial hurdles, the prospective AMHP has to have a formal interview.

I have to confess that I have never had to undertake one of these interviews myself. This is because when I started to practice (back in 1981, as a Mental Welfare Officer under the Mental Health Act 1959), the requirements for acting as a MWO were somewhat less stringent.

I asked members of the Masked AMHP Facebook group what they would recommend guiding order to prepare for the interview.

Here are a few of these hints and tips:

  • Look at the guiding principles in the code of practice.
  • Have some knowledge of current research into mental health and the AMHP role.
  • You will have extensive awareness already of the importance of narrative practice, partnership working and contingency planning - just expand on these and look at what it means to interview a service user in a suitable manner - whereby you will aim to reduce a service users anxieties to help inform the assessment and facilitate communication.
  • Demonstrate that you are aware of the importance of the role and its importance for adherence to the Human Rights Act.
  • Show that you have a basic awareness of the role and that your values are compatible with the role.
  • Stress the importance of informal admission as an example of striving for the least restrictive option. 
  • They won't expect you to have a detailed knowledge of the law or indeed the Code of Practice, but it is good to have a basic understanding and awareness of the role.
  • If your basic belief is that you would never section anybody, then you are probably not suited to managing the conflicts inherent in the role.
  • You must be aware of and ready for the time and effort commitments involved in the training, as the course will cost your employers several thousand pounds per candidate.
  • Give examples of anti-oppressive practice in your current role.
  • Awareness of and willingness to work in situations of risk.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to learning.
  • Try and just be yourself, as that demonstrates what you can bring to the role.
  • Above all, don’t be put off by the often challenging requirements of the role. The training will provide you with skills that can be used in any area of human interaction, and practicing as an AMHP should be seen as a unique opportunity and privilege.

Monday 12 April 2021

How to Become an AMHP 1


People often post on the Masked AMHP Facebook Mental Health Forum to ask what is entailed in becoming an Approved Mental Health Professional. Here, then, are some guidelines about the process.

Who is eligible to become an AMHP?

In order to be eligible to train as an AMHP, you have to be a qualified professional. While for many reasons most AMHPs are social workers, mental health nurses, occupational therapists and clinical psychologists are also able to train and practice as AMHPs. Professionals will need to have at least 2 years post-qualification experience in order to be considered for training.

AMHP training courses are provided by universities. They may take different forms, and be of different lengths, but will generally last for between 6 and 12 months. They may be part-time, or have a combination of part-time and full-time modules. A practice placement, during which trainees are placed with AMHPs and take part in Mental Health Act assessments, is an essential and integral part of the training process.

At present, there are around 20 universities and training consortia providing over 30 different qualifying programmes. All the courses are at postgraduate level, and the successful candidate will be awarded a range of qualifications from a Postgraduate Certificate to a Postgraduate Diploma up to a MA or MSc degree.

How do I get onto an AMHP course?

The Code of Practice states that local authorities “are responsible for ensuring that sufficient AMHPs are available to carry out their roles under the Act”. The local authority must therefore maintain an AMHP service that can fulfil their legal obligations. They would be responsible for paying the course fees and if you are directly employed by the authority, they would have to authorise you to undertake the training.

This process would generally involve writing some sort of reflective piece relating to their experience and desire to train as an AMHP, as well as a formal interview involving the local authority and the academic lead of the course.

The local social services authority is responsible for actually approving AMHPs, but while individuals practicing as AMHPs are acting on behalf of the local authority, AMHPs do not have to be employed by the local authority.

What if I don’t have a local authority prepared to give me the training?

I have to say that it is almost impossible for someone to train independently as an AMHP. 


While nearly all courses will refuse to take an independent student, there are some courses that will consider them. The University of East Anglia course, for example, on which I used to teach mental health law, has taken several independent students. They have to pay the full cost of the course out of their own pocket, and also pay for a placement with the local authority sending students to the course.

At the end of the course, unless the student was prepared to work for the local authority as an AMHP, they would not actually be approved, but would be given the necessary evidence to show a prospective employer that they have successfully completed the qualifying training.

What does the training entail?

As I used teach on the UEA AMHP training course, I will describe in more detail this particular course. It is based within the university School of Social Work, taught at post-graduate level, and successful candidates receive a Postgraduate Diploma and will also receive credits towards a Master’s degree.

There is an initial part-time period of occasional days in university from October to December, then a full time segment from February through to June. There is a month of intensive teaching of the law and practice relating to AMHP practice and mental health, then a two month placement period, during which the candidates are placed with AMHPs and have to shadow at least 6 MHA assessments during the course of the placement.

The AMHP trainees then have to produce a portfolio, which must include evidence supporting a range of national competencies. These competencies cover seven broad areas of practice: 

  • knowledge
  • autonomous practice
  • informed decision making
  • equality and diversity,
  • communication,
  • collaborative working, and 
  • assessment and intervention.

There is also a Law Test, which consists of case studies covering a cross section of the sort of assessments that AMHPs are likely to encounter, with questions designed to elicit the AMHP’s knowledge of law and practice.

I have to point out that successful completion of an AMHP course only makes an individual eligible to be approved to act as an AMHP. Only those who have completed approved training and have been approved to act as an AMHP by a Local Social Services Authority may actually perform the functions of an AMHP.

This means that, having completed the course, the LA in which they will be practicing has a panel meeting, during which each candidate if formally approved. They will then be issued with a warrant.

In our local authority, the newly warranted AMHP is then expected to undertake three Mental Health Act Assessments, during which they will be shadowed by an experienced AMHP. They are then deemed to be fully competent to practice independently.

The next video will look at how to prepare for the AMHP interview.

Monday 5 April 2021

Log Cabin: Guided Visualisation Relaxation Exercise


This is a 30 minute guided visualisation exercise It includes ambient natural sounds of forest rain. The exercise has no wake up ending, and may assist with sleep.

When I worked in a Community Mental Health Team, I used to run relaxation sessions and produced several relaxation exercises for distribution on CD. This is one of them. It features natural ambient sounds, and is specifically designed to aid sleep.